Archive for July, 2010

Bulging Disk

Friday, July 30th, 2010 No Commented
Under: Health care

How is your lower back holding up?

Do you have a bulging disk that is causing you problems?

1.) Introduction to This Article
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Bulging disks can cause you a lot of problems, both emotionally and physically. Not only do you have to wince in pain when the disk problem flares up, but you will then have the let down of having an injured back. It is no secret that a bulging disk can bring your lifestyle to a grinding halt, unless you face your problem and do something about it.

2.) Definition of a Herniated Disk / Bulging Disk

Herniated Disk: Displacement of at least part of the nucleus, of an intervertebral disk. This displacement of part of the rubbery centre of an intervertebral disk can then place pressure upon the spinal cord. This can cause pain down one (or both) of your legs, including the possibility of feeling numbness as well.

3.) Treatment Options

Treatment depends on the severity of the bulging disk. Sometimes for a minor instance, rest can be all it takes to help you get better. However, if your problem is more common than this, then bed rest and a variety of other options should be considered. This includes orthopedic support and physical therapy. Surgical removal of the protruding aspect of disk can help reduce symptoms as well.

4.) Braces For Support

Surgery for a disk problem is possible, but your physician will most likely tell you that they would like to try conservative treatment options first. Rushing into the surgery is not what a quality physician would like to do, unless they think it is your best option.

Many physicians will recommend that their patients use a low profile, light weight back support to help reduce pain and promote healing. They are aware of back braces for the lower spine because they are medically documented in the health field. They can help reduce pain because they will off load your spinal structures by using biomechanical principles, like increasing intercavitary pressure. This slight increase can help alleviate the pain caused by a bulging disk.

If the pain is not totally alleviated, a well designed back support can also help to stop you from making certain movements that will further your lower back injury. The other good thing about back supports is that they will be easily hidden by the use of a t-shirt as well. So this is not really a problem at all. – If you have back pain problems due to a bulging disk, you should consider using one today.

*This is health information. Speak to your physician about medical advice for your particular situation. We believe in the benefits of lower back support, but you should speak to your doctor for medical advice.

Anxiety Disorder – Revealed

Wednesday, July 28th, 2010 No Commented
Under: Anxiety

Anxiety is psychological and physiological state which affects all aspects of the body. It is also one of body’s very effective coping mechanisms against stress and other disequilibrium. Anxiety helps the individual cope up by preparing the body in dealing with upcoming stressful situations, wherein survival is needed. Little dose of anxiety is very useful in an individuals body, but if anxiety become severe wherein it become irrational this kind of anxiety must be treated immediately. There are many sings of anxiety disorder one of them are the following; irrational fear, uncertainty and stress. Anxiety disorder affects almost 40 million American adults.

Anxiety disorders has its own types or categories and they are written below:

  • panic disorder,
  • obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD),
  • post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD),
  • social phobia (or social anxiety disorder)
  • specific phobias
  • generalized anxiety disorder (GAD)

Every types of the disorder have its own unique symptoms, but commonly they share the same symptoms of excessive irrational fear and dread. To initially diagnose an individual having anxiety disorder a good assessment is very important to start with, preferably using a standardized interview or questionnaire together with expert evaluation as well as the view and feelings of the patient must be considered. Moreover, a thorough medical examination must be done to recognize other potential conditions that can cause the symptoms of anxiety disorder.

Medical treatment of said condition includes drug therapy such as antidepressants, anti-anxiety and beta- blockers, these drugs are the common drugs that the physician usually prescribed for the patient to take. But these drugs only treats the symptoms of the disorder not the disorder itself, in short those drugs are for palliative treatment only. Other than medical treatment we also have the Psychotherapy, which particularly a cognitive- behavioral therapy. Psychotherapy is also a very effective way in knowing the cause of anxiety disorder in a certain patient as well as how to manage the present symptoms. Generally, in managing anxiety disorder, the combination of medical treatment and psychotherapy is the best way to control and deal with the signs and symptoms of anxiety disorder. But there are also cases wherein an existing condition like alcoholism, depression and others may interfere in the treatment of anxiety disorder, that sometimes we need to treat first the other coexisting conditions before full treatment of anxiety disorder can be started.

There are also other treatment of the condition like stress management, since stresses are the usual cause of the disorder. We have also meditation, wherein individuals with anxiety disorder can calm themselves and may also augment the effect of therapy.

Things to consider before taking medication for anxiety disorder:
– Inquire about the effects and the side effects of the drug that you may experience while taking it.
– Inform your physician of any alternative treatment that you have been using together with drug therapy or other over-the-counter drugs that you are taking in. so that you will know if there are contraindication and negative interactions between them.
– Ask your physician when and how the medication should be stopped. Some drugs can’t be stopped abruptly but must be tapered off slowly under a physician’s supervision.
– Be knowledgeable enough that there are medications wherein should be taken in a scheduled regular manner and no skips, because symptoms may recur if stop.
And most importantly work with your physician when it comes to deciding what drugs to use for your condition.

More on Teeth Whitening Products

Monday, July 26th, 2010 No Commented
Under: Dental care

It seems, these days that a great deal of emphasis and focus is being placed on having brilliant white teeth. Celebrities smile with such dazzling white teeth you wonder how the photographers and cameramen deal with the glare from their teeth! With all of the teeth whitening products on the market today, having beautiful white teeth is not out of reach for the common everyday person.

These products are available in many varieties, such as whitening toothpaste, strips and gels, whitening mouth rinses, tray-based systems and a variety of treatments and restoration procedures available at your dental office. Many of the over the counter products, as well as some used by dentists, employ the use of carbamide peroxide or hydrogen peroxide to lighten and brighten teeth. The application process for these products varies as does the period of time before the best results are achieved. In all cases of dental office whitening procedures and products as well as the over the counter products, they do not last forever. Repeat applications are necessary especially if you continue to eat and drink the things that caused the stains initially.

Causes of teeth staining

The basic causes of teeth staining begin with some of the foods and drinks you consume. Things like coffee, tea, wine and some fruits and veggies contribute to the stain deposits on your teeth. Other things like smoking, chewing tobacco products, some antibiotics, and excessive fluoride in the water, oral fluoride supplements and genetics also help the staining process along. You can, of course, change your eating habits to prevent further staining and this will have to be a consideration in getting the most “mileage” out of your chosen teeth whitening product.

Maintaining your beautiful, bright smile

The effect of your whitening attempts doesn’t last forever. In fact, if you continue to expose your newly brightened teeth to the same foods and drinks that initially caused the staining, you will begin to see your bright smile begin to fade in as little as a month. If you are able to refrain from those foods and drinks, then you may be able to maintain your smile for many months, perhaps a year or longer, before requiring a touch-up or repeat application of your chosen teeth whitening product.

Foods For High Blood Pressure

Thursday, July 22nd, 2010 No Commented
Under: Hypertension

Foods for High Blood Pressure are commonly found in your kitchen. Hypertension is an illness that needs full attention. High blood pressure is caused by abnormal blood circulation that can block your arteries resulting to heart attack or stroke. Most people who are suffering from hypertension are not aware of its consequences and how to treat them. So if your blood pressure reached more than 140/90, then start paying full attention to this article. Hypertension can take your life instantly if you don’t follow a healthy diet.

Most doctors prescribe drugs that can be purchased online or your local drug stores to treat hypertension. But most people suffering from hypertension gave up on the idea of taking hypertension medicines due to lack of budget. There is no better way to treat hypertension but in a safe and natural way.

You may be surprise that you may already have the remedies or foods for hypertension. There is no need to worry about spending good amount of money for medicines.

As surprising at it may sound, a common ingredient that we normally store in our kitchen and mix with our foods can actually treat high blood pressure. Garlic contains adenosine which helps relax our muscles. Both cooked and raw garlic benefits to this disorder. But raw garlic is more effective and works quicker compared to the cooked ones. It is also beneficial to those with weight problems for garlic have substances that helps reduces our cholesterol levels. To be able to take advantage of its benefit, take two tablespoons of garlic juice every day. Don’t worry about its smell; drinking garlic juice does not result to body odor.

Fruits and vegetables
Fresh Fruits and veggies also have properties that are helpful to people with abnormal blood pressure. According to researches, dieters who are following a vegetarian lifestyle have lower blood pressure. A fruit that contains vitamin C, potassium and fiber helps treat hypertension. One effective food for hypertension is by eating papaya with an empty stomach two hours before breakfast or any sold foods.

Scientific studies have proven that people suffering with hypertension are the ones who are lacking in potassium. Potassium foods can help lower blood pressure. Foods that are rich in potassium are watermelons, tomatoes, oranges, spinach, milk, almonds, soya beans and banana. Sufficient intakes of potassium promote good blood flow.

Researchers believe that another cause of hypertension is lacking of calcium. Calcium foods can be found in leafy veggies, spinach, Milk, etc.

Fish oils help maintain blood pressure. Regular consumption of fish will surely lessen your regular dose of medicines.

Asthma Affects Millions of People

Wednesday, July 21st, 2010 No Commented
Under: Asthma

Each year asthma gets more and more common among people, asthma rates in children is sky rocketing, 17 million Americans have asthma, and nearly 5 million of those, are children. A Harvard university study states that every year, thousands of people in the U.S. die prematurely from heart and lung disease from causes traced to particulate air pollution. Canadian pharmacy flonase.

Asthma is a common condition that has several different patterns, and affects many people around the world. There are many factors to this, one, is your family history, did someone in your family tree suffer from asthma? Some can be triggered by dust allergens, pollens, pet dander, exercise and even environmental pollution. Desensitization through the use of allergy shots may lessen or even prevent attacks. Air barriers and filters can also help reduce or avoid an asthma attack all together.

Attacks can be avoided quite often by knowing the signs and symptoms. As we grow older, asthma attacks seem to lesson, but tend to return later on when you grow old. But in some cases, people in their older years can become burdened with asthma, and even start having severe attacks. Asthma conditions in older people as opposed to younger people can be quite different. In older adults, respiratory diseases such as a cold, flu and airborne allergens like dusts, smoke and pollen are the most common triggers in asthma sufferers.

Older people are likely to have other health related issues like diabetes, heart problems and even high blood pressure. Regular medications may be missed or not taken, which can lead to sudden flare ups, they may forget to take the right doses, or may not be able to diagnose they symptoms of an asthma attack soon enough. Warning signs can be difficult for older people to recognize. Old patients need to be treated with less aggressive remedies than the ones that are actually needed.

How many millions of people suffer from asthma? It is estimated that three hundred million people worldwide suffer from some type of Asthma, it has also been estimated that by the year 2025 there will be at least one hundred million more people that suffer from asthma, so the true answer to this question would be, way to many. Asthma can strike anyone, at any time, especially children. Like we have said, children can outgrow this condition, but more than likely have it flare up in their elderly years.

The truth is, asthma can hit people, no matter what age they are, or whether they are female, or male, in any country all over the world, we cannot hide from it. There are so many people with asthma around the world that are unaware that they even suffer from asthma, cause they haven’t gone to be diagnosed by a doctor. There are signs and symptoms you should look out for, breathing problems, tightness in the chest when you exercise, wheezing, and shortness of breath.

It would be in your best interest for you to be checked, otherwise, you could well end up being one of those people who live among us day by day and are not aware that they suffer from such a dangerous debilitating illness. Be aware of your body, we only have one, so do your best to carefully watch, and diagnose all types of health conditions, could help you live a long life free of illness and disease.

Acne Laser Treatments

Tuesday, July 20th, 2010 No Commented
Under: Acne

It’s been a long time since a new acne treatment has come out that has proven to be successful for people with the worst cases of acne. If you have suffered for years and years from acne and are still having problems, in addition to dealing with the scarring that comes from years of problem skin, then you might want to check out what technology has brought to all of us sufferers – acne laser treatments.

Anyone who suffers from even moderate acne knows that most over-the-counter treatments don’t work. For people with one or two breakouts, they may work, but for hardcore acne, they are just no good. The side effects alone – dry skin, redness, rashes – all make the products virtually more trouble than they’re worth. But laser treatment is a new and innovative way to deal with your acne, and one that comes with no real or serious side effects.

Lasers have been used for several decades now as a way to heal damaged skin. They are even used to stop hair growth. Now there are two different types of acne laser treatment that can be used anywhere on your body to help get rid of acne once and for all and to reduce the signs of scarring that may have occurred after years of acne problems.

Both diode and laser dye treatments work on most patients, and the one you choose will likely depend on how your skin reacts. Most people begin laser treatments with the diode method of lasering, and if this doesn’t work, then their doctors will try laser dye treatments. There are no real differences between the two as far as you are concerned, and the healing time is pretty short in both cases.

After you have your first round of treatment, you may find that a small portion of your acne starts to go away. However, after several more treatments, more and more of your acne will begin to disappear. For most people, it takes four or five treatments before they find that their skin starts to look better than all of their friends!

The price of this type of treatment is not outrageous and if you counted up all the money you have spent on acne treatments, cleansers, ointments, creams and lotions the cost of laser treatment may actually seem quite small. The other great thing about getting laser treatment is that it is fast and painless, and the results happen very quickly. Within weeks, your friends will be looking at you a little differently, wondering why you are suddenly so confident and looking so well.

Acne really does take its toll on your psyche and studies show that people with moderate to severe acne suffer psychologically throughout their lives. Luckily, technology has finally brought us all something that can help get rid of this illness, one that can ruin teen years and adulthood, and destroys our skin for the rest of our lives. Take advantage of this technology and get rid of all of that acne, once and for all.

Sleep Apnea

Friday, July 16th, 2010 No Commented
Under: Health care

Some people just figure they have trouble sleeping but don’t realize that there could be something more serious at the back of it all. Sleep apnea is a perfect example of this type of problem. If you’re waking up most mornings more tired than when you went to bed then it’s possible that you’re suffering from sleep apnea – especially if people complain about your snoring during the night.

Statistics show that 90 percent of people who suffer from sleep apnea have no idea they have the problem. This is not surprising. This sleep disorder can often go unnoticed for years. Even if you gasp or choke for air several times throughout the night, you usually won’t remember that you struggled for breath at some point. Generally, it’s your partner who notices that you’re struggling to breathe during the night.

So, how do you know that you have sleep apnea?

  • You choke or gasp while you’re asleep.
  • You snore loudly.
  • You wake up in a sweat or you wake up so you can breathe.
  • You feel constantly sleepy in the daytime.
  • You feel constantly tired even after eight to ten hours of sleep.

What makes this disorder so dangerous is that your airways are deprived of oxygen while you choke in your sleep. When this happens, your brain doesn’t get enough oxygen. This can lead to high blood pressure, memory loss, learning problems, heart diseases, or even sexual dysfunction. Some people also suffer depression as a result of this sleep disorder.

If you think you have sleep apnea, there are things that you can do before visiting your doctor or a sleep specialist.

1. Start a sleep diary. You or your partner can observe how well you’re sleeping, how loudly you’re snoring, and whether or not you have trouble breathing while asleep. Observe, too, if you feel refreshed when you wake up in the morning.

2. Record yourself. Recording yourself while you sleep is useful. Your doctor can use it to diagnose your condition. You can use your computer or a sound-activated device to do the recording.

Present your doctor with your recording and your sleep diary. If he suspects you have sleep apnea, he will recommend that you spend the night at a sleep clinic where they can accurately measure the frequency with which you stop breathing.

The good news is that this sleeping disorder responds quite well to home remedies, and these self-help treatments are quite easy to do. For instance, you can try sleeping on your side or on your back. You can elevate your bed’s head by 4 to 6 inches. This makes breathing easier and helps you snore less. You can also try using saline nasal sprays, breathe right strips, or a nasal dilator to open your nasal passages. You can try losing weight, too. Studies show that overweight individuals sleep better and suffer sleep apnea less after losing 10 percent of their body weight.

Panic Attacks Medications

Thursday, July 15th, 2010 No Commented
Under: Anxiety

A person who endures any type of panic attack may find them to be excruciating and can cause them extreme stress and distress. These problems are associated with those who have a panic disorder; however these can be treated if you seek a doctor’s help and are put on the proper medication and undergo treatment. Medications may help a sufferer but you want to also add therapy to the mix for added support. If you can change the way a person thinks and behaves, then you will have an easier time and less recurrences. Combined therapy is the best way to ensure that you won’t have relapses; if you do they would be less frequent.

There are many different ways that you can begin treatment for your panic attacks. First, you will want to go through all of your options with your doctor and be put on proper medication for your symptoms. Drugs such as Prozac, canadian pharmacy Zoloft or Paxil that are selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI) can reduce the amount of panic attacks that you have. These types of medications adjust the chemicals in the brain that allow the nerves to communicate with each other. Medications such as these need to be supervised since they are known to cause anywhere from a minor problems to possibly life threatening ones. These are not always 100% effective on their own; it may take other forms of therapy combined with the medication in order to see results. Women who become pregnant should seek out other treatments; these medications can have dire consequences for the unborn fetus.

There is also a benzodiazepine family of drugs, approved by the health and drug administration that have been used to treat panic disorders. Some of the drugs are Xanax, Valium, Ativan or Klonopin. Medications such as these are wonderful for the reduction of anxiety or nervous tension. These are usually used for immediate release. Sometimes panic attacks can come on suddenly even if you are on some sort of maintenance medication. The doctor may prescribe one of these to use only in an emergency situation.
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Getting somewhat in control over your panic attacks can be challenging. Once you begin a medication it usually will take 6 to 8 weeks to feel its full affect. If you are still having problems, your doctor can make some adjustments in your dosage or meds to make them more appropriate for you. After you are on panic attack medication for a period of time, usually about a year, the doctor may want to start weaning you off it. If there are any signs that your panic attacks are still there, he may decide to keep you on them for a few more months before trying again to wean you. If that is still not possible you may fall into the few that need to always be on them to keep your symptoms at bay.

Mnemonic Teaching Styles

Tuesday, July 13th, 2010 No Commented
Under: Autism

Some individuals with autism have challenges with certain abstract concepts, such as assigning lines on a page, to a specific word or letter and further correlating that letter to a certain key of the piano (not to mention other variables such as dynamics ). Alternatively, other students with autism may grasp this concept completely, yet behavioral challenges hinder his/her ability to effectively and independently execute the response described above. For those unfamiliar with the mnemonic style teaching methods used in traditional piano education, the following is a brief explanation. To assist students in the memorization of letters representing lines and spaces which comprise musical notation, many teachers incorporate a series of words which represent a corresponding line on a musical staff.

These include, but are not limited to:

  • Every, Good, Boy, Does, Fine
  • Every, Good, Boy, Deserves, Fudge
  • (or even)
  • Elephant, Goes, Boating, Drowns, Fast

By isolating the first letter of each word and pairing it with the appropriate line in the musical staff, many students tend to memorize the sequence with less difficulty. The above example relates to the ‘lines’ of the Treble Clef staff. Successfully teaching this sequence largely relies on repetition and the subsequent fading of these prompts. The successful acquisition of this skill (of reading musical notation) is, classically, very important in piano education.

Approaching the piano education of a student with autism in a typical manner may exacerbate comprehension/behavior challenges and result in increasing the student’s (and the teacher’s) frustration level. It is important to point out that the method explored in this article was designed with and for individuals with moderate to severe autism and uses an ABA (Applied Behavior Analysis ) style approach. Students with less behavioral and comprehension challenges may very well benefit from a more typical style of piano instruction material (as opposed to lesson format) which is the ultimate goal of this system. Of course, higher functioning students with autism will, most likely, require a qualified teacher who attends to the student’s social and overall developmental characteristics.

I feel that I must also address the notion associated with a student’s ability to ‘play by ear’ and how this effects the student’s education at the piano. Traditionally, students of music have been taught to read and interpret musical notation as a rule. This not only develops the student’s ability to effectively respond to written stimuli (which could pay dividends in other areas when teaching individuals with autism) but it also lays the groundwork for future musical explorations. An auditory understanding of musical tonalities may be developed (or have been developed through trial and error) by a student and is, later, a core component in musical education. A reliance on only this auditory aspect, though, and a subsequent disregard for the student’s ability to read and interpret musical notation is, in my estimation, in the least counterproductive and potentially undermines the student’s development. A piano teacher’s proclivity to shy away from having a more challenged student explore the skill of reading musical notation could be due to any number of factors; including an understandable lack of knowledge concerning the education of individuals with autism. Most students of art understand that, although learning the fundamentals of a craft is of primary importance, later exploration, interpretation and development often involves stretching those boundaries and interpreting those fundamentals on an individual basis. While Picasso’s later work was revolutionary, one can trace his development from the traditional to the explorative. This is why all of our students begin instruction by learning to play and read music.

Recently, I had a discussion with a parent about the possibility of beginning piano instruction with a student residing in Greece. After explaining how the materials would be introduced and consequently faded based on the student’s performance data the gentleman stopped me. He let me know that the student had begun general music lessons a few months ago and was currently using the Do, Re, Me or tonic sol-fa style of instruction (which is popular throughout Europe). How could the student begin piano instruction with a new system and avoid confusion? Arguments can be made for either not pursuing instruction with the mnemonic style mentioned above or mixing them and clearly differentiating them but that is not what caught my attention. Any teaching aid such as Do, Re, Me or Every, Good, Boy, should be treated like any other prompt; with the clear understanding that they need to be completely faded in order for the student to be considered independently able to play the instrument. This concept is clearly understood by various authors of typical piano instruction material, in the sense that Primer Level instruction manuals usually begin with clearly labeled notes and then remove most of these note letter prompts. The deciding factors, in respect to the efficacy of this method are: the rate at which the prompts are faded, the style in which they are faded and the teacher’s objective understanding of when or even if these prompts can be faded.

The ultimate fate of a teaching prompt is for it to be faded and – in effect – forgotten by the student. One only has to consider another skill such as writing and forming sentences to realize how many rules of grammar one is using without consciously attending to the matter. Therefore, as a musician exercising the skill of sight-reading music, my interaction with the instrument is not based on a conscience reaction to the stimuli of the letters reflecting notes which subsequently reflect keys of the piano. Rather, the stimuli, i.e. musical notes, and their symbolic representations have been engrained to the point at which consciously identifying each variable (and deliberately executing each response) would actually inhibit my ability to perform. Although my response is guided by these prompts, it is much more a question of interpretation and reaction than of consciously identifying, matching and executing. When learning how to play music is approached in these terms, the question of which style of prompts is initially being used becomes far less important. It is the student’s ability to correctly and independently react to the stimuli (regardless of its form) which is important and can also be objectively measured to determine the efficacy of the approach.

A further analysis of this concept will reveal that if it is deemed, objectively, that the student has not yet met a predetermined criterion and therefore has not acquired the skill, the prompts can be changed or individualized to the learner. I must stress this point because it has been central to the construction of this piano education series. If the student does not meet the criterion set forth and therefore independently perform the skill, the current phase of the approach has failed, not the student. Considering that the goal of early piano instruction is to have the student depress a particular key of the piano contingent on a musical note, which has been labeled with a letter, teachers may consider adding color to the letter or replacing the letter with a shape. Once this shape is successfully paired with its corresponding piano key, the process of fading these prompts can begin based on the student’s performance data. In other words, in respect to a student learning in this manner, an audience will ultimately have no way to distinguish this student’s playing style because the responses are identical to a traditionally trained student. It should also be noted that a student’s ability to read words is not a factor in this style of piano education. The above mentioned mnemonic teaching examples can be broken down by using the first letter of each word. The student is then taught to match corresponding letters on the piano keys. His interpretation of this letter or his understanding of its grammatical value is irrelevant. What is being ascertained is his response to the prompt (or letter/shape associated with the note) which can be easily and objectively measured by the teacher.

Without a clear and objective system to record, analyze and act on a student’s performance data, it is much more difficult to determine when or if these phases should be enacted and subsequently faded. My research has shown that, while a student’s past performance with similar programs does aid in the teacher’s capability to assess possible outcomes, it frequently fails to accurately forecast their ability (or inability) to perform tasks such as playing an instrument. The student’s current challenges with reading, writing and certain fine-motor activities can often foster a subjective assessment of his or her future progress or even effect the decision to begin instruction at the piano in the first place. Developing an understanding of the elasticity of prompts in respect to piano instruction and the importance of objectively ascertaining the effectiveness of these prompts has shown to create a learning environment which adapts to the student and helps expand previously held assumptions.

When these considerations are taken into account, a world of positive interaction with the piano can be opened to a much wider range of individuals who may have displayed difficulty with previous piano instruction methods. While certain studies of typical students link playing the piano to benefits in fine-motor, math and comprehension skills, students with autism could also benefit in other areas. These include; social development, community interaction, the generalization of this skill to other instruments and an overall increase in extracurricular time spent in a structured and educational activity.

The Five Different Types of Depression

Tuesday, July 13th, 2010 No Commented
Under: Depression

Depression is experienced by millions of people as they go through daily living. This type of mood disorder bring feelings of hopelessness, sadness, and can even lead to suicidal tendencies when unchecked. Sadly, most people experiencing depression dismiss most of its symptoms and consider the feelings as “blues” or “downtime”. Later, episodes of depression slowly impair normal function such as working, eating, sleeping and maintaining interpersonal relationships. A depressed person may become withdrawn, lose interest in one’s hobbies and stop socially interacting even with loved ones.

Indeed, recurring bouts of depression should immediately be arrested lest it impairs healthy living. It is not easy to overcome depression since it is not just a feeling but a serious type of disorder that needs therapy and/or medication from a mental health professional. Usually, a psychiatrist prescribes anti-depressants that can correct the chemical imbalance that produces depressive symptoms. Nevertheless, it is a must for people with depression to undergo psychoanalytic sessions in order to detect the underlying causes of the disorder. The good news is that there are many available medicines that can be safely used by affected people so they can resume their normal lifestyle.

Nevertheless, it is important to understand that the different types of depression that can affect a person, namely:

Major Depressive Disorder

When this is experienced by an individual, the person’s normal lifestyle is drastically affected since even his sleeping or eating habits have changed. More so, the person completely lost interest in activities that were once interesting such as hobbies. This type can recurrent and emotionally debilitating that is why medical attention should be sought once symptoms are detected.

Postpartum Depression

After giving birth, there is a sudden shift in hormonal balance in women thus depression sets in from a period of one to six months.

Bipolar Disorder

Symptoms of this depression include sudden emotional highs or lows which seems like a roller coaster ride. This sudden change in mood can lead to reckless behavior (such as deviant sexual behavior) that can be destructive. This can be corrected by psychotherapy and drug treatment.

Seasonal Affective Disorder

Commonly known as SAD, people experience lethargy and sadness when subject to gloomy weather such as winter and even overcast days.

Substance induced mood disorder

As the name implies, some medications can also induce depression especially when abused. Other toxins such as alcohol can influenced moods and produce depression.

Spinal Cord Injury

Thursday, July 8th, 2010 No Commented
Under: Critical Care

Some accidents require only a little bit of attention while others necessitates a more rigid medical observation. There are also accidents, however, where the victim appeared to be okay at first, but after a week’s time, some peculiarities like the inability to move parts of the body, may start to manifest. While the effects of a spinal cord injury may be immediately felt after the accident, there are instances where the symptoms appear after one or two weeks’ time.

This is why it is important to immediately seek medical help, especially after an accident that caused a sudden impact to your back, to see if you have a spinal cord injury. The symptoms for this type of injury usually vary. You may start to feel severe back pains, some numbness in your extremities, and difficulty of walking or maintaining your balance. Other symptoms that can also manifest either right after the accident or a week later include difficulty in breathing and loss of bladder control. If you figured in an accident where your back absorbed some impact, then it is really advisable to get immediate medical attention.

If you figured in an accident, with the mishap caused through the negligence of others, and it was found out that you sustained a spinal cord injury, then hiring the services of a lawyer is a step in the right direction. The specter of high medical costs and special care, in case you need them, is all too real to just set aside. Your insurance policy may not be able to cover everything in case this happens and so seeking redress from those who were negligent is always the most viable option.

A spinal cord injury lawyer could help you seek remuneration from persons or entities that acted negligently and caused the accident from which you suffered as a victim. Your lawyer can prepare all the legwork for you including all the documentation and securing witnesses to the accident. He can also seek the opinion and deposition of experts who will be able to lend credence to your claims and solidify the evidence that you have against the respondent.

Remember that if it was found out that your spinal cord injury is so severe that it might require you to seek special care including rehabilitation therapies, home aid and renovation, surgeries, and medical equipment, you may not be able to handle its financial requirements. This is where the services of a spinal cord injury attorney will be most valuable because he can demand for medical cost reimbursement, and compensation, from the parties you believed to have been remiss in their task which is why the accident happened. After all, it would be too unfair if you will pay for something that you did not cause, right?

Exercises to Help Control Hypertension

Wednesday, July 7th, 2010 No Commented
Under: Hypertension

Hypertension or high blood pressure as it is also known is a condition that raises the pressure of the blood in the arteries. It is a condition that many people have. It is also been given the name as the silent killer as many people who have the condition are not even aware that they have it.

The affect that hypertension has on the body can be compared to a garden hose. For example, if you turn on the water and then squeeze the hose this will have the affect of causing the water to build up and create pressure. Hypertension can have the same affect on our arteries. If the condition is not identified and treated it can lead to a host of health complications.

There are many direct and indirect factors that lead to people getting hypertension. These include heredity factors where the condition runs in the family. Other causes can be linked to lifestyle factors such as being overweight, eating an unhealthy diet, smoking, drinking too much alcohol and not taking enough physical exercise. There can also be underlying health conditions such as constricting arteries or kidney disease.
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One way you can reduce the risk or control the condition is make positive changes to your lifestyle. These can include eating a healthier diet, cutting out smoking and drinking alcohol within the recommended levels. However, your emotional and mental state can also have a direct affect on the heart and conditions such as hypertension can have a serious impact. As part of a healthy lifestyle you can consider introducing exercises that help calm and relax your physical and emotional state. Two exercises that can help you with this are as follows:


Yoga involves many exercises that include stretching, breathing and meditation. Through these many exercises and poses you will help improve the bodies mobility and flexibility. Certain poses help to strengthen your muscles and back. The deep breathing helps to improve your cardiovascular health as well as calming and relaxing the mind. There are many forms of yoga. It is recommended that people at risk or who already have hyper tension avoid the more rigorous types of yoga and opt for the more relaxed ones.

Tai Chi:

This is a well known Chinese exercise that involves slow movement of the body in co-ordination with controlled breathing. It can help improve your flexibility and strength especially for the elderly. However, all ages groups can benefit from Tai chi. It has also meditative qualities that help relax and calm the body and mind.

If you have a medical condition always consult with your doctor first to ensure you are fit enough.

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