Get Rid of Your Panic Attacks Forever

Saturday, May 7th, 2011 No Commented
Categorized Under: Anxiety

Something happens that should not have bothered you. You see a car accident, hear a loud noise, or even possibly nothing at all occurs other than you just finished a cup of coffee. However, your body is reacting as if you have received a threat to your life. Your heart is racing, you breathing quickens, and you feel that you are just about to have a heart attack. Yet, you absolutely know that your reaction is illogical and should have never happened. You are having a panic attack.

Experts tend to agree that panic attacks generally occur because deep in your brain you have been programmed to react to threats – real or imagined. Medical scientists have explored the process that normally creates short-term memory, but in these cases the process installs a rather permanent reaction, which quickly leads to a perception of the existence of a threat. Surprisingly, this can be triggered quite suddenly – even with absolutely no awareness of what caused it. Panic attacks are a learned reaction, which most likely was etched into your brain as a result of one or more incidents that occurred prior to certain coping abilities being developed. Essentially, your brain reacted the only way that it knew how. And, now you are suffering for it.

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My experience in dealing with such learned patterns is that their programming can be reversed.

  1. You must realize that you are not at fault and no amount of rationalizing and explaining will ever resolve your panic attacks.
  2. You must have faith that you are capable of overcoming them.
  3. You must know how to reverse the programming.

Mental health professionals know how to program your mind to create a different reaction to events that trigger stress in your life. Essentially, this is a form of what I call a pattern interrupt. Once a panic attack is triggered in your mind, the alternate reaction will lead you to a different result. Meanwhile, until this is accomplished, you still need to know how to cope.

Qualified hypnotherapists and others who are adequately trained in the use of hypnosis are uniquely qualified to reprogram your reaction to panic attack triggers and to strengthen your ability to control your reaction and quickly recover for each incident. By using hypnosis to train and fortify your mind, you will begin to develop healthier responses and observe your response with detached curiosity.

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