Thrombosed Hemorrhoids

Tuesday, December 15th, 2009 2 Commented
Categorized Under: Diseases

Many people know about hemorrhoids and they know that these are not good as the problem of hemorrhoids makes the life very painful. There are many types of hemorrhoids about which many people are not aware. They know only one thing that hemorrhoids are very painful diseases where a patient deals with the formation of hemorrhoids and pain. One of the least talked about types of hemorrhoids is a thrombosed hemorrhoid. Thrombosed hemorrhoids are very bad and painful which no one wants to suffer with them. However, if you think you that you have them then you should look them at right away and at least go to the doctor for their treatment.

The first thing that you should know is that what thromboseds hemorrhoids are. These hemorrhoids are clotted inside the anus thus they are very painful. The actual meaning of thrombosed is on the inside. Generally these hemorrhoids form on the veins in your rectum which is present just under the skin. There are also external thrombosed hemorrhoids that can be easily seen and felt. If you are able to see them, then you will realize that they may be hard or soft in touch. Many times you will notice that the color of a thrombosed hemorrhoid is going to be blue which makes you sure that these are external thrombosed hemorrhoids. If you are still not sure about it then you should concern about them with your doctor.

The bad thing about these types of hemorrhoids is that they are extremely painful in comparison of all other types of hemorrhoids. But the good news about them is they do not require any kind of surgery in their treatment. You should try not to annoy or inflame these hemorrhoids by messing with them. Many times these types of hemorrhoids get treated just by only taking the warm baths. You can also use creams that are available for their treatment in the medical stores. According to the suggestion of most of the doctors, you should include more fiber to your diet in order to treat a thrombosed hemorrhoid.

However if above mentioned things do not work at all then the final thing to treat these types of hemorrhoids is to do the surgery. Surgery is the last option that is adopted by the doctors for their patient if all other things fail in order to treat these hemorrhoids. However you should not worry or get panic in these cases. Whenever you feel that you have these types of hemorrhoids, you should directly bring it up with your doctor.

2 Responses to “Thrombosed Hemorrhoids”

  1. Bill Roehler says:

    Sorry for the “fan boy” comment here, but I do not really have much else to add. Great post.

  2. Yi Nierman says:

    Really enjoyed this post. Much gratitude for posting it.

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