Posts Tagged 'immune system'

Boost Your Immune System

Friday, October 8th, 2010 No Commented
Under: Diseases

What is the immune system? Just think about the Great Wall of China. This wall has been erected by the Chinese to ward off their enemies. That’s how the immune system works. It releases antibodies that tend to fight off the viruses and bacteria that are leading causes of illnesses in people.

You will instantly know if your immune system is down. You develop fevers and infection. Now these two things, among others, are just the reaction your body feels as your body does its best to relieve you of the main causes.

You can definitely help strengthen your immune system and increase your chances of healing faster when you are sick. You can also develop a good body mechanism, so you don’t end up getting sick immediately.

Here are the many ways on how to increase your immune system:

1. Eat fruits and vegetables. There’s definitely a good explanation why your mom wants you to eat those broccolis that you surely hate. Fruits and vegetables are enriched with vitamins and minerals that can help boost your immune system. For example, vitamin C can prevent you from suffering scurvy. Selenium is a powerful trace mineral now considered a potent ingredient against cancer. Lemon can keep your alkalinity high, so your body doesn’t turn into acidic and become a breeding ground for bacteria and viruses.

2. Reduce your intake of sugar. Your body definitely needs sugar. It converts sugar to glucose, which is then your great source of energy. However, too much sugar can also be harmful, especially if it’s not converted to energy. It can get stored in the body. Plenty of viruses and bacteria feed on sugar, so they propagate so easily.

Choose your sources of energy. Rather than white rice, opt for quinoa or brown rice. Increase your fiber intake, so you can get rid of the extra calories. Instead of white bread, pick whole wheat.

3. Reduce the level of stress in the body. What happens when you are so stressed? Your body actually releases hormones that help regulate your vital organs such as your heart. But if the stress level is too high, it’s left with no option but to also increase the secretion of cortisol. It can actually weaken the immune system because your antibodies have to do its best to regulate its presence.

There are definitely so many ways on how to relieve your body of the stress. One of these is through meditation. Meditation promotes proper breathing, which helps your body relax when it’s under too much tension. It also increases the level of serotonin, which promotes a happier mood, so you don’t end up getting too depressed.

You can use subliminal messages together with meditation too. Subliminal messages can also help fight off the stress by motivating or encouraging you that things will be better. It calms the inner you.

Some of the subliminal messages you can use include the following:

  • I can picture out a healthier me.
  • I am looking forward to a healthier body.
  • I resist the unnecessary stress in my life.

Importance of immune system

Friday, December 18th, 2009 No Commented
Under: Health care

The three factors that influence the immune system of a human is calm, nutrition, and age. Certain activities and outside influences can contribute to the added pressure on the immune system.

The immune system, with its innate part, is our first line of defense. So our natural barriers and nonspecific mechanisms are responsible for arresting the attackers who seek to invade our bodies. The skin and mucous membranes are the first barriers that the invaders must confront in seeking to enter. But within these ancient structures are also mechanisms that are responsible for eliminating pathogens, and which act as natural antibacterial.

Nutrition is by far the most important thing when it comes to the task of supporting the equine immune system. Human being and animal need different levels of food and nutrition in their diet depending on age, current weight, activity level and overall health. The diet asset should be a delicate balance of protein, grain, hay, minerals, vitamins, supplements and proper digestion of these substances. Dry food should be high in quality and portion control should be stay to.

Even so, large numbers of microorganisms able finally to penetrate the body and are capable of causing disease. Most of the time however, a competent immune system can eliminate these incursions. In cases in which our immune system is unable to do so, that’s when we’re in trouble.

Previously the result was almost always the same: death. However, since the discovery of penicillin in 1942, we were able to kill microorganisms using exogenous substances.
The advent of penicillin has allowed human beings that we achieve will survive previously fatal infections by necessity in most cases. However, the use of antibiotics has led to another serious problem for us: resistance to antibiotics. This phenomenon occurs when some microorganisms survive the administration of antibiotics. These survivors develop genetic mutations that allow them to evade the effect of antibiotics. The trouble is that this information may be shared with other organisms, including different species, which allows the display antibiotic resistance among previously susceptible microorganisms.

We must consider the indiscriminate use of antibiotics and that antibiotics are emerging increasingly seeking to use new mechanisms of action in order to avoid the phenomenon of resistance. So more and more in the world are being found strains of organisms that are now resistant to antibiotics that were previously considered first-line. There is even talk that currently there are already some organisms that are resistant to all existing antibiotics.

Now, contrary to popular belief that they are antibiotics that kill the microorganisms, it is actually our own immune system which is responsible for removing them. So, after a course of antibiotics, what we do in fact decrease the bacterial load is enough for our immune system can eliminate those remaining. This is how our immune system also becomes the last line of defense.

Given the above, the question arises: would it not be better to try to boost the immune response instead of finding new antibiotics?
But … Is there a way to enhance our immune response?
Maybe …
It does tell the next…