Most Common Effects Caused By Anxiety Attacks

Wednesday, November 9th, 2011 one Commented
Categorized Under: Anxiety

Anxiety is a feeling that is characterised by nervousness, fear, apprehension and worrying. Feeling of fear and worrying is justified in some cases like before examination, interview or stage performance and death of loved ones. Mild anxiety is vague and goes away with time but severe anxiety for a long time can cause various effects on health. Anxiety is serious if it is having an impact on the normal functioning of the body. The effects of anxiety can be on both physiological and psychological level. During an anxiety attack, number of physical, mental and behavioural changes is experienced by the person.

Effect of anxiety on the physical level: Short term anxiety that is experienced while walking down the dark street alone at night and a dark shadow appears, brings on many physical symptoms. These symptoms are shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat, cold and clammy palms. The increase in heart rate is due to the sympathetic nervous system which results in increased blood flow to the heart and blood vessels. During an anxiety attack, signal is sent to the autonomic nervous system of the brain which activates the sympathetic nervous system. This prepares the body for fight/flight response. The rate of respiration increases due to the fight/flight response resulting in deep and rapid breathing. Symptoms like breathlessness, choking feeling and pain in the chest may also occur. Confusion, blurred vision, dry mouth and hot flushes are some of the effects of short term anxiety attack.

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Long term anxiety can gradually have an impact on all the organs of the body. It is characterised by long lasting anxiety related to nonspecific life events and situations. Prolonged anxiety brings on various health problems like headaches, migraine, sensation of lump in throat and difficulty in swallowing and acute exacerbation of asthma. Various body pains are due to the constriction of blood vessels due to the effect of anxiety. Anxiety also affects digestive system causing indigestion, pain in abdomen, heartburn and diarrhoea. Overall immune system of a person is affected making him more prone to other illnesses. One of the major effects of anxiety is sleeplessness.

Effect of anxiety on mental plane: One of the major effects of anxiety is sleeplessness. Person is unable to fall asleep or remain asleep due to the constant thinking going on in the mind. Disturbed sleep can also be because of bad dreams or nightmares. This irregular sleep pattern can further cause disturbing symptoms like irritability, aggression and lethargy. Prolonged anxiety can have an effect on brain causing confusion and difficulty in concentration due to crowded thoughts in the mind. Irrational fears and phobias and extreme agitation are seen due to disturbed emotions. Behavioural symptoms like shaking and repetitive movements of the hand and legs are indications of anxiety. Severe anxiety has many features of depression. There is increased sensitivity to various external impressions like light, noise and sound.

The effects of anxiety are treated by removing the underlying cause behind the anxiety. Treatment includes combination of medicines, psychotherapy and behavioural therapy.

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