New Year’s Blues and New Answers for Depression Sufferers

Tuesday, April 12th, 2011 No Commented
Categorized Under: Depression

For many people, the end of the year is simply the beginning of another year of on-going pain, self-disappointment and a deepening sadness.

And, for many sad/depressed people, the Christmas blues can start several weeks before the actual holiday because so many are reminded of their pain by the usual signals of the holiday “where everybody is feeling happy” – except the depression sufferer.

Common depression symptoms are, you should always see a doctor for an accurate diagnosis.

- You sleep too little or too much
- Previously easy tasks are now difficult to accomplish because of an inability to concentrate
- Feelings of hopelessness and helplessness fill your mind
- You feel you can’t control your negative thoughts, no matter what you do
- You are eating too little or too much
- Unusual irritability
- You have thoughts that life so painful that it is not worth living (Get help now if this is the case)

Instead of a “New Year” soon to be marred by traditionally failed resolutions, people in pain want “New Depression Answers” that actually work.

The good news is that there is an FDA approved solution that is drug free which has worked for many people who have previously not been helped by other depression treatments.

What is TMS (transcranial magnetic stimulation)?

First, here’s what happens: The TMS device is placed over a portion of the patient’s scalp where it is then programmed to send out a narrowly focused magnetic field in pulses.

Second, the healing occurs for a significant percentage of patients because these energetic pulses stimulate nerve cells in an area of the brain associated with controlling mood.

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One way to think of this is to imagine a car stuck in a rut. Then, someone comes along and help rocks the car out of the rut with a series of energetic pushes to help the car finally get unstuck.

How long does TMS treatment take? From the moment the machine is turned on to send energetic healing pulses to the moment it stops takes approximately 37 minutes.

A patient attends 5 TMS sessions per week over a 4-6 week period for a total of 20-30 anti-depression treatments. Like any other method of emotional healing, TMS will not work for everyone however, attempting to heal is better than the alternative(s).

Depression is a multi-faceted challenge for the sufferer as well as those who love and care for the one in pain and so often, new methods can provide surprisingly good results making everyone’s lives better.

The final point to this article? Hang in there. Never give up. Depression can be beat and often the answers are those that are new.

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